
Privacy And Your Information

How we use your data


At TomTom, we believe that your private data is yours, and we do everything it takes to keep it truly private.

When you are using a TomTom navigation product or app, you can understand what personal data we collect from you and how we are using it. You can also control what we do with your data. By letting us use your data, you’re helping TomTom make better products for you – contributing to a safer, cleaner and congestion-free world.

This privacy statement contains a comprehensive overview of our privacy approach. TomTom sat nav devices and apps such TomTom Go and AmiGo contain more specific product-related privacy details on your device.

This privacy statement was last edited on October 7, 2020, and subject to change at any time with or without further notice. We recommend that you re-visit from time to time to see if there have been updates.